Speaking to Logo, Haaz Sleiman ( Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan) said his character is married to Phastos and that the film will feature the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first same sex kiss. In February 2020, it was confirmed that Feige had been referring to Phastos (Brian Tyree Henry), a master of technology. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed on Good Morning America (via Entertainment Weekly) in 2019 that the film would include an openly gay character who would be married and have children.
No, what has fans is curious is - if there is a sex scene in Eternals - whether or not the characters in the scene will be gay. Are they supposed to not date for all that time? You can’t just spend hundreds of years doing nothing but shooting eye-beams at Deviants. After all, these heroes have been around for centuries. The part that has some fans scratching their chins is that the MPAA made its decision based on “fantasy violence and action, some language and brief sexuality.” Yes, it’s that last “brief sexuality” that’s sprouted some fans’ antennae, and not just because it means the movie will be at least a little steamy.
As ComingSoon notes, the MPAA has made its ruling, unsurprisingly classifying Marvel’s Eternals as PG-13.